Thursday, March 17, 2011

No longer a Baby

Last September, I planned at some point in the near future to put Jaxon in a big bed.  So I got it all ready in his room, made him a comforter, arranged and rearranged all the furniture.  His room has been a pile room.  He had an extra dresser, a rocking chair, crib, full size bed, another dresser, and a mini rocking chair.  Anyway,  I couldn't bring myself to put him in the big bed.  Not because he is my baby blah. But because I knew it would be hard and change and different.  Same with potty training.  I am fully aware that he could be potty trained but am just not ready to deal with the hardness. 

Fast forward to about 3 weeks ago.  Reagan informed Jaxon that he is a big boy now and he needs to stop peeing in his diaper.  Forget about the fact that she still wears a pullup at night and has accidents during the day.  Yes, I did potty train her 2 years ago and continually since that point. (hence the hard part from earlier)  So we decided to go for it.  It worked for a little while and then I went to work, we took him to Grandma's and he had lots of accidents.  So no go on that for awhile.  He does go number 2 regularly in the toilet though and I am hoping that is the hardest part to get through. 

On Tuesday night as we were getting ready for bed.  Jaxon informed me in these exact words" I a big boy now, I sleep in  big boy bed" and then said to me like he is 13 " I worried I fall off the big boy bed, it would hurt really bad".  And he did.  I put him in told him not to get out and he didn't.  It did take him awhile to go to sleep on Tuesday night and last night.  On Wednesday morning when he woke up he hollered at me, "Momma?" "Can I get out now?"  And then last night, I went to check on him cause I thought he was asleep and he is in his bed sitting up straightening his covers and looks at me and says "I lay down now".  He thought he was in trouble and I thought he was asleep. So far so good.  He doesn't get out without permission.  I am sure that will end soon but I will take it while it lasts.  This is so very different from when Reagan did the whole bed thing but that is okay.  They are very different kids in very different ways and I love both to pieces.

So my boy has grown up and is now longer a baby and tells me regularly.  I don't know if it is because he is older and bigger or if all of the other mothers around are having babies since I have had Jaxon but I have had several people ask me if I am pregnant.  I am not and I would like to say.."For once just let me be fat".  Just cause I have a little belly (okay and backside and thigh problem) that doesn't mean I am pregnant.  When the first person asked I laughed it off and when a few more starting asking it became not nearly as funny.  

Good Things.

1.  Tax refunds
2.  Big boys and girls
3.  Opportunities to grow and learn and do hard things.  It only makes you stronger.