Saturday, August 3, 2013


I have always wanted to be a mother.  I think maybe most of us have.  I have two kids.  I don't think I ever thought I would have a huge family but knew I wanted some kids.  Sometimes, when it looks like a tornado has hit your living room and your kid's hair hasn't seen a comb for at least a week, the arguing, whining and whatever else it may be you start wondering what exactly you got yourself in to with this whole kid thing.

Words of advice:  Be Grateful.

I may have two children but I also have struggled with infertility on and off for years.  I am very grateful to have my children.  I pray for them daily and thank Heavenly Father daily for them.  Sometimes I think life would be so much easier if we just knew Heavenly Father's plan he had for us.  Things would certainly be clearer and probably easier.  But the cloudiness of trials sometimes allows us to see the bigger picture.  The refined fire.  While there is always something to learn from those trials sometimes I think that I have already gone through this before, what did I learn then?  Do I need to learn this again?  But I think that perhaps I am not learning the same thing again but learning differently this time.  Now I don't know yet what that is but I do hope it will come to me.  Now I do not know if there will be more kids on earth, but Heavenly Father knows me best and I believe I will get to raise a large brood in heaven.  I am focusing on being content and happy with what I have.  It is hard and it might get harder still but I can have faith in the bigger picture and know most of all that I am loved.

Good things
1.  Peace
2.  Love
3.  Gratitude