So it is February and still snowing. The rate it is going we are never going to see spring. I keep thinking that all those bulbs I planted in the fall will come up and I will get to enjoy them but probably not anytime soon. It snowed over the weekend and we got like 6 inches of bloody snow. It is kind of like I live in the Artic. Not really, but that is how I really feel. I hate it. Usually it is not that bad or I can handle the snow but the wind is miserable and the combination of it all is very untolerable.
So this morning, I had a couple of appointments to go to and then I thought I would take pictures of the houses that we built to post to the blogs so the investors can see them. Well, they hadn't plowed the roads in the subdivision. I got all the back to one of the house and my car stopped moving. So I ran to take a picture and then had the framers push me out. It was a little embarassing experience. After that I said forget I will take the pictures another day when my car can manuever a little better. I need a hummer to get around right now.
Other than that, nothing to exciting is happening. We were glad to see the New York Giants beat the Patriots in the Superbowl. Brian was so happy about that. He hates the Patriots. Reagan is being wild and crazy like normal. I was talking on the phone the other day and she got into my baking cocoa. I didn't realize what was going on until she brought her blanket to me with brown spots on and all over her pajamas and said to me "Naughty". Yep, she knows when she has done something that she shouldn't do but obviously that does not stop her. I am in the beginning stages of potty training. It will definitely be an adventure. I had her sit on her potty for a little bit. No luck so she got off walked about a foot away and peed all over the floor, down her legs, and onto her onesie and then slipped and fell on the floor. Better luck next time I guess. She is getting so big and says all sorts of new words. She came to Brian yesterday and said "see it" but it did not sound like see it at all. She has a favorite hat that she loves to wear. I will post a picture. It is actually a kneepad. She is such a funny girl.