Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's gonna get a lot worse

Yikes!  So here is the exciting news.  I got a job a full time one.  From 8-5 Monday thru Friday.  Life is busy and about to get busier.  I am trying to get some things done, not overanalyze things, stay calm, and wonder how it is all going to work.  I know it will work out because it always does and because I am not the only mother who works out there.  Lots do it and manage it and it's okay.  It will probably take some time adjusting to everything but I know it will work.  Hopefully in the midst of all this, we can fit in some fun things and learn to enjoy our new changes that are happening.  Somehow it will all work out it always does. 

The kids don't understand what working means.  Up to this point, when I "work" it is downstairs during naps.  This morning I told Reagan I had to work today and she said "you worked yesterday"  she doesn't get that I will be working everyday away from home.  And that someone else will be taking care of them.  That breaks my heart but you do what you have to and it is not always easy, but soon it will be the norm and think nothing of it. 

It will be a good job I think.  It is for an optometrist office.  Learning new office computer, how things work and the such.  Today I made a ledger, posted a payment, lab invoices, scheduled appointments.  It is only my 3rd day.  I can do it, it is really a mental shift to go back to work.  The craft bloggy is on the back burner for now.  If I have some time to sew or what ever I will still post.  Time though, will be for laundry, dinner, and kids, not sewing.  At least for right now.  I can always pick that back up when I want.

Anyway, lots of rambling always here.  Happy end of school to everyone. Happy summer, and happy working to me. 


Janeal said...

Wow Brooke! You are already SO busy. Remember to keep in all those fun things! Good luck!

terra said...

you can do it !