Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is this a Problem?

So I discovered yesterday that I have a problem.. Well, I have several but this one I just found out yesterday. I was in my food storage room trying to clean it so I could actually open the door and I store way too much food. At least I do what I am told. On Monday I canned cherry pie filling and I have no where to put it. I know that this is a very odd problem. Today, I went grocery shopping and I just kept thinking that I need to stock up. I went to grab a couple cans of pineapple and thought to myself, "seriously like I need to store one more thing. Apparently this is where my pack ratness comes into play. It is not the things from the childhood it is food. It is almost a little embarassing because I must thing that I am going to shrivel up and die. The other ironic thing is that yesterday I was out of milk and had been since Monday.

Good Things
1. I store food and lots of it.
2. Knowing I will have a variety to choose from
3. I will not starve.

I will take a picture of my storage room and post it on my next post.


Janetlee said...

There is a lot of room in our storage room. Send some over.

terra said...

Only a problem if you don't use it, or rotate it. see you soon