Monday, October 26, 2009

lack of title

So October has gone by fairly fast. Last week we had our ward party and super saturday, they call it simple Saturday only because they are in some serious denial. It seemed that last week all I did was Run and I am not so fast. Go here, go there, go everywhere. So here is to a new week.

This week should be less hectic although today since 3 I have ran to 2 banks, 2 visiting teaching visits and am currently waiting for my Alison's Pantry truck to show up and then we are going to Grandma's for dinner and to carve pumpkins. Tomorrow I think I will sleep til noon and let the kids mother themselves. Right!

For our ward party, I dressed up in the 80's. I had the hottest costume. It consisted of leopard print tights worn under my poorly tried acid wash jeans with slits cut down the front of them, hot pink legwarmers and a sweat band which I made myself. I pink necklace, jelly bracelets and hoop earrings courtesy of DI, don't worry I sanitized, an off the shoulder sweatshirt with a knot like thing, blue eyeshadow, glossy lips, and of course crimped side ponytail. I was smoking. But I didn't win the tickets. Oh well, better luck next year. I really think it was a flashback for most people. When my hair gets crimped it multiplies a lot. Anyway, it was a lot of fun. I don't have pictures but you can probably imagine what it would look like.

We have Halloween on Saturday, Brian's birthday on Sunday and hopefully can avoid the flu for at least a week.

Good Things:
1. Wanting to crawl into my heated bed
2. Hot chocolate
3. Fun things like dressing up every now and again.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and a Happy Halloween.


terra said...

I never dressed like THAT in the 80's.

Becki R said...

I'm sure you looked SMOKIN'! Wish I could have seen you! ha!