Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Goals for 2010

A couple of things. First, last night I watched Julie and Julia. I really liked it except for one very blatant naughty word and a little less clothes at a brief part. What I liked about it was that it was inspiring. If you have not seen it check it out. Julie does something kind of crazy but turns out to be very good for her. I wish I was more like that. It would be fun. You probably won't know what this is until you watch it. But it inspires me to do something different, something that i truly enjoy and something I haven't thought of yet.

Second, I was reading on the blog, Apron Girls ( On the blog many of the contributors wrote what they would like there new year to be like. Most of them chose one word to describe there year like: joy, focus, organized. You get the idea. Can you think of one word that you would like your year to be? I am still thinking on mine because I think as I was looking over there ideas I need all of those things. Here is a list of my b's for my year.

Be healthy. What that really means is lose weight.
Be joyous in all things
Be more spiritual by attending the temple more often and taking part in prayer and scripture study
Be Clean and organized
Be Done, my house that is
Be happy.

All of these things really entail more than one thing. So I guess my word is Better. Just to be a better person, wife, mother, to be better at those things that I really need to be better at. Let's be honest I don't need to be a better shopper. But I do need to be a better mom and a better teacher, and so many other things. I want this upcoming year to be about improvement. Self, house, however it works. What is your year going to be for you?

Good Things
1. Reevaluating
2. Knowing I need to change
3. Knowing I CAN change

Here's to 2010! Enjoy

1 comment:

Janetlee said...

One Word...DILIGENT. I have the "concerned" part down. Now I need to be more diligent...from Elder Bednar's talk last conference.
1. industrious, assiduous, sedulous. 2. indefatigable, untiring, tireless, unremitting.